Youth Academy
The Youth Academy is the St. Paul Sunday School service. We have multiple classes serving kids from age 3 all the way up to high school. The classes are weekly on Sunday after the Liturgy beginning at 11:45 am and running for one hour. If you are interested in signing up your child for the Youth Academy, please register below and someone will contact you shortly. We look forward to serving your children!
Youth Academy Registration
Ark Program
The Ark Program
Volunteers Needed!!
If you have time to help volunteer in the Ark Program, please register via the following link:VOLUNTEER REGISTRATION
How can you volunteer?
- Kitchen Service
- Dining Hall Rearrangement (Before & After Activity Day)
- Chaperoning – will lead a group of PreK kids and stay with them throughout the whole day.
- Activity Leader – will prepare and organize kids’ activities.
- Parent Facilitator – will pick and lead parents’ team building activities.
- Sibling Activities – will lead activities for the siblings of the PreK students (i.e. watching movies, playing games, etc.)
Can I bring my family? / Is this program only for PreK students?
- Currently, this program is only open to students and parents of children enrolled in PreK through 1st grade at St. Paul’s Youth Academy. At some point in the future we hope to expand this, but at the current time, only PreK children and their parents are eligible.
Junior Hymns Academy
Junior Hymns Class is for kids age 3 to 10. It is an opportunity for some of our younger members to learn the beautiful hymns of the church so they can participate more fully during the Liturgy. The Junior hymns class is open to all and does not require registration. We look forward to seeing you Saturday evenings at 5:30 pm!